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Miserable Retail Slave is a comedy show that looks at life, love, and the odd daily occurrences that keep life interesting. 

"Useless and Enjoyable" - listener review of the show.

Give us three episodes, you'll be so hooked. 

Jan 29, 2017

Featuring Special Guests Sam Silverstein and Nick Tenaglia from !!!

Someone Fell Into Feelings/ Tommy’s a creampuff/ Randy immigrated from Croatia/ Wretched Goat Vomit/ Snapchat filters/ Felecia, the Patron Saint of Byes/ Inspirational/ Tommy is a Choreboy/ 150th episode/ Perpetual pizza/ Tommy the stray cat/ the tougher pasta/ One more to add to the glossary of neck tattoos/ A fight about urban sprawl/ Missed Connections with TRB from The Retail Rant and Dr. Penrose from Penrose vs. Anybody/ The ranking of doctors/ Chicken pants/ Foghorn Eggpants/ Tommy trolls the park/ “Nice umbrella”/ Bit by Bit/ Being a bigger creep than Tommy/ What Laughter is The Cure is all about/ Kevin the VERY friendly ghost/ Mookie/ Smiling is for Life/ Would you rather a Super Mario mushroom or star?/ Tommy’s Nintendo story/ RIP Tootsie/ The One Finger Selfie challenge/ Cocoa Wheats or Nether Bits with Honey/ The Legend of Weedboy/ Missed Connections/Danger Sex/ Cheetos/ Just a dancer named Kitten/ Help out some kids, you selfish pigs/ Nervous poos is a real thing


Go to and check out the work of Sam and Nick. Go ahead and consider donating to their cause. All proceeds benefit the C.S. Mott Children's hospital.


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Call The Miserable Hotline!!! (810) 328-3826
Follow us on Instagram: @miserableretailslavepodcast
Follow Randy on Twitter: @mretailslave
Follow Tommy on Twitter: @TomEComedy
Intro: “Hard Times” by Dan “D-Boy” Amboy
Check out his music:

(Episode 150)