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Miserable Retail Slave is a comedy show that looks at life, love, and the odd daily occurrences that keep life interesting. 

"Useless and Enjoyable" - listener review of the show.

Give us three episodes, you'll be so hooked. 

Apr 30, 2016

Portugal/ Never Been Cool/ Tommy’s YouTube karaoke/ So Many Jimmys/ The Dancing Dictator of Portugal/ “Hard Times” by D-Boy/ The Orange Gingers/Tommy’s Monster Squad shirt/ People who walk around carrying coffee/ Tommy and Kid Rock/ My Female Bodyguard/ Vanish her/ TomEComedy vs. TommyComedy/ Mixed Feelings Podcast (@mixedfeelingspc)/ Randy “Babyface” Retail-ioni, Mixed Feelings Mafia/ Picking a horse head/ Mr. Penrose (@PenroseEames)/ Manager John’s message/ Tommy’s hat/ Whatever happened with Woof McGillicuty?/ HAB impression/The Tomb of The Unlaid Soldier/ Beverage/ Dating Mrs. Doubtfire/ The first time that Tommy hit on a girl/ Picking up chicks, right?/ Songs of The Police

(Episode 113)

Intro: “Hard Times” by Dan “D-Boy” Amboy
Check out his music: